New Fatwas


Pregnancy Praying for Non-Muslims Gold wedding Ring
Marriage Nail Polish Smoking and fasting
  Shaking hands  













Are Non-Muslims clean?

Non-Muslims, whether followers of divine religions or else, are all intrinsically clean, unless [like any other being] they become unclean because of touching something unclean, i.e. alcoholic beverage, blood, etc.

Is shaving beard Haram?
No, it is not Haram.

Is the perfect Muslim Jurist allowed to alter the legal provisions such as stoning and execution to other provisions such as imprisonment and a fine?


In field of governmental chapters of Islamic Jurisprudence, the prophet (s.a.w.a) and the infallible Imams and the perfect and just jurists are allowed to alter those provisions, based on the general rules of Islamic jurisprudence and according to the general interests of Islamic Umma.

Is taking Mortgage from banks to buy house or car allowed in Islam?
Yes, it is allowed.

Is it allowed to take interest from banks in the west?
Yes, it is allowed to take interest from Non Moslem banks.

I was wondering if nail polish is a barrier for wudu because I wasn't able to find the answer on the website. Thank you!

if it is thin (without extera decoration) there is no problem.

I have a question about music according to Ahlul-Bayt. Is music Haram? Are any forms of music or songs permissible?
How about Sufi music which praises the prophets (sawas) and imams (as) using musical instruments? Are any instruments considered impermissible? Does it depend on the context or language of the song?
Please help me to understand. I listen to positive and uplifting music from all over the world, but I do not want to do Haram things, none of this music has any negative message and some of it is religious in nature, and or classical.

We cannot say that all types of music are prohibited.
The music which is suitable for Debauchery ceremonies is Haram.
The women cannot sing for the men, and the music must be without negative message.
The rest, like music which praises the prophet (sawas) and imams (as), or encourages people for good ethics such as love, mercy, braveness and other good morality, using musical instruments, is  permissible.

Is buying lottery tickets permissible?
Buying lottery tickets is permissible only if the institute organizing the lottery sells the tickets solely to collect money for philanthropic purposes, and people are aware of this and buy such tickets with the intention to contribute to such objectives, and that the entire net profit of selling the tickets will be spent in such philanthropic purposes, and this is explained to everybody and they are agreed.

I have a question about “taqleed” if you don't mind answering:
I am currently following Mujtahid A , but have recently been studying and comparing many of his
beliefs, philosophies and fatwas with those of Mujtahid B and have become more and more in favor of the teachings of Mujtahid B.
I think there is a strong base, supported by much factual and scientific evidence that makes me more confident in the teachings of Mujtahid B.
I think his stances on politics, women, scientific technology and issues such as tahara and najasa hold more intellectual support than the stances held by Mujtahid A. My question is: how can I determine who is more knowledgeable; do I have to follow what the majority say or may I use my own reasoning and intellect to determine who I believe is more knowledgeable?
There are three ways of identifying an A'lam:
a) One is himself a learned person in Fiqh and Islamic knowledgeable and is able to identify an A'lam;
b) When two persons, who are learned and just and possess the capacity to identify the A'lam, confirm that a person is A'lam, provided that two other learned and just persons do not contradict them.
c) When a number of learned persons who possess the capacity to identify an A'lam, certify that a particular person is A'lam, provided that one is satisfied by their statement.
When one is unable to identify the most learned one, he should follow a Mujtahid that he supposes to be the most learned and if he decides that several Mujtahids are all of equal stature, then he has a choice.

Can we eat in non-Muslims restaurants ?

Yes, you can eat fish, shrimp and vegetables foo.


I want to ask you about “Tatbir”, is it forbidden in this time because it gives a bad picture of Shia?
It is difficult to talk about different types of Taazia.
On one hand, every thing depends on niyyat of the person.
On the other hand, the western media misuses that work against Islam and Shia faith.
You may know that the enemies of Islam, made a film named “The sword of Islam” to prove that Shia people are violent and bloodthirsty, and they used pictures of “Tatbir” as evidence.
It is necessary to prevent any thing which helps the enemies of Islam.

Is it permissible for a woman to become Marja?

We did not find any credible evidence about requisite of manhood for a "Marja." Therefore, if other requirements are satisfied, a woman can reach this position.

1- First question: in some fast food store they have some big pots of oil that they fry non Halal chicken and also they fry potato (fries) inside same pots. I am wondering if we can eat those fries or not. Same thing with fish sandwich they fry fish inside the same pots that they fry non Halal meat and chicken, are we allowed to eat those fish sandwiches?
2- Which one of sea food is Halal?
3- About pizza: we don't know what kind of cheeses store use for pizza are we allowed to eat cheese or vegetable pizza?
1. If you know that they fry fish inside the same pots that they fry non Halal meat and chicken, it is not Halal.
2. Fishes with scales and shrimp (prawn) are Halal.
3. If you know that there is nothing Haram in cheese, you can eat.

I have a question. When Islamically slaughtered meats are unavailable in the city, is it permissible to eat the meats slaughtered by Ahlul Kitab to solve the necessity? Please let me know at your convenience.

It is not permissible to eat the meats slaughtered by Ahlul Kitab.
But it is permissible to eat fish and other types of food with out meet and lard. Because Non Moslems are Tahir.

However, the reason why I asked was that I live in a place where I don't have time to cook food due to work and extreme fatigue after work hours, seafood restaurants are very far away from my office and home and they are very expensive since I have to keep a certain budget for spending on food, also I don't know if the fish being sold in the restaurants have scales or not, and Halal restaurants are very far away that I am unable to go during lunch hours of my office work. What I meant to say in the last email is that if I come across to this point, if I end up consuming the ahlul kitab meat, even though it is not permissible, would it still be considered a major sin? I always hear from health resources that say that humans need to eat meat for balanced dietary reasons. Can you please help me? I don't mean to confuse you or make it lengthy; please accept my apologies for any inconvenience. Thank you very much for your time. I wish you well.
You can order Vegetable foods, Pizza and fishes with scales such as salmon fish or white fish. But it is not permissible to eat the meats slaughtered by non Moslems.

What is the age of Takleef for girls?

When they are 13 years old, unless they see the Haidh.

Can a Muslim recite surah fatihah, do dua, recite salawat, and perform salat wahshat for a non-Muslim who has died?

Yes it is allowed. The Prophet of Islam was "Rahmatan lil Alameen. we should follow him.

Is a pregnant women required to fast during Ramadan?


If fasting is harmful for woman or her baby, then, fasting is not allowed for her.

Is Ghosl enough before praying? I mean if you have Ghosl are you still supposed to have Wodhu as well?


According to my opinion, any type of Ghosl is enough before praying and you do not have to perform Wodhu.

I was wondering what the ruling is on Men wearing gold weddings rings. 


A wedding ring indicates that its wearer is married; therefore, it is allowed to wear a gold wedding ring just to show that you are married and without intention of embellishment and decoration.

I have a question about something I’ve heard from more than one person.
I’ve heard that if a man proposes to a woman, he may ask to see her hair and body one time, in order to see if he approves of her outer appearance.
This sounds a little bizarre to me, but I have heard it from many people so I was wondering if this is true or if it is a myth?

Only he can see her without Hijab, with normal dress, if he is serious to get married with her.

1. Is smoking cigarette Haram?

2. does it invalidate Fasting?

1. Smoking cigarette is not Haram, but better is to be avoided.

2. Smoking cigarette does not invalidate Fasting.


Is shaking hand with Non-Mahram allowed?

It is not allowed for a Muslim man to shake hands with

a Non-Mahram Muslim woman. But it is allowed for him to

do it with a non-Muslim woman in the following cases:

a: in case of Haraj (difficulty, harm, damage and awkwardness)

b: with obstacle such as gloves.

c: If the non-Muslim woman extends her hand and there is no

suitable time to explain the Shari’a law to her, and if the Muslim man

does not shake hands the non-Muslim woman will be embarrassed

and ashamed in front of people,  and it will harm the reputation of

Islam and Muslims.

This is also the ruling on shaking hands for a Muslim woman with a

non-Muslim man in the mentioned three cases.