The highest scientific certificate and professorship document, issued

by the Management Centre of Qum Seminary in 1991.

According to the regulations of the Management Centre of Qum

Seminary, this document is considered as Certificate of Ijtihad.

This certificate was issued by five Mujtahids who were officials

of the mentioned Center at that time, including: Grand Ayatollah

Mohammad Fazel Lankarani and Ayatollah Tahir Shams, who

signed this document.


شهادة الاجتهاد (معادل الدکتوراه) من مرکز المدیریة للحوزة العلمیة في قم، الصادرة عام 1991

تحت إشراف المرجع الراحل آیة الله العظمی الشیخ محمد فاضل اللنکراني

و آیة الله طاهر الشمس - رحمة الله علیهما

شهادة معادل الدکتوراه تعتبر في نظام الحوزة العلمیة شهادة الاجتهاد في الفقه الإسلامي