More than 1,100,000 Muslims, including 300,000 Shia people
live in Canada.There are more than 360 Islamic centers and
musques in Canada. The Shiite communities run about 90
mosques and Islamic centers in Canada.

United Eid Prayer
Eidul Adha united Prayer in Canada, by Ayatollah Hosseini Nassab.
Thousands of Shia Muslims attended.

Shia Muslim Gatherings

Leaders of Shia Muslim community participated in annual gatherings in Toronto.

Shia Seminar in Ottawa (Parliament)

Ceremonies and Events

Imam Mahdi (atf) Day celebration
The Shia in Canada celebrated Imam Mahdi (atf) Day at the Richmond Green Park in Richmond Hill, Ontario.
The intention behind holding the program at the park was to do some dawa work by informing the public about Islam and Imam Mahdi (atf). It worked very well. It is estimated that there were over 10,000 people who came to the park during the course of the day and at the time of the fireworks. Our estimate is that over 1,000 stopped at our table.
Several people enquired about Islam and some also wanted to know more about Imam Mahdi (a.s.). There were also some who wanted to know the difference in belief amongst the Shi'a and Sunni about the Imam Mahdi. Ayatullah Hosseini-Nassab responded to their queries.

IMAM MAHDI (atf) Birthday Celebration

This was the first time that this event was organized in Toronto.
The City of Toronto was very co-operative in providing the services.
The program included three parts:

- Islamic Art Exhibition. This was done indoors in a specific facility created by the City of Toronto.
- We also had a flag hoisting. Normally, this is done when there are celebrations for different countries independence days. The flag hoisting was done at 4.45 pm. Ayatollah Syed Reza Hosseini-Nassab carried out the flag-raising along with Councillor Suzan Hall and various members of the community. This was a proud moment for the community. This was the first time Muslims have raised flag in front of the City Hall.
- This was followed by a program comprising:
- Recitation of the Qur’an and translation of the relevant ayahs.
- Greetings from Jim Karyganis, Member of Federal Parliament: Khalil Ramal, member of the Provincial Parliament; Suzan Hall, Toronto City Councillor.
- There was a lecture by a Christian Speaker, Dr. Michael Desjardins.
- This was followed by a lecture by Dr. Liyakat Takim
- There was nashid by the youth of the Afghan Community.
It is estimated that there were between 550/600 people. This also included some non-Muslims.
For the first attempt, the event was received and was also televised .