The office of

Grand Ayatollah Hosseini Nassab











New Fatwas





Vigil for victims in Toronto

A vigil in Toronto, Canada for the victims of

Iran plane crash. Grand Ayatollah Hosseini

Nassab, Premier of Ontario, Leader of ND

Party and Mayor of Markham prticipated.



Lectures of Grand Ayatollah Hosseini

Nassab in four languages:


New events in Canada

Recent lectures by Grand Ayatollah Hosseini

Nassab in Islamic Centers - Toronto -



Gathering of Shia Youths in Canada

The gathering of hundreds of Shia Muslim

Youths was held in Imam Mahdi Center,

Toronto, Canada on the occasion of Ashura


Eidul Adha Prayers 2019

Eidul Adha Celebration was held in Toronto -

Canada. Ayatollah Hosseini Nassab led Eid

prayers. More than 2000 people attended.


Lectures in Canada

Lectures of Grand Ayatollah Hosseini Nassab

in Toronto, Canada on the occasion of

Eidul Fitr and 15th of Sha'aban


Imam Hossein Commemoration

Imam Hossein commemoration in Toronto,

Canada with the lectures of Grand Ayatullah

Hosseini Nassab. More than 2000 people




Malkhaz Songhulashvili, archbishop of the Evangelical-Baptist Churches in Georgia with Grand Ayatollah Hosseini Nassab. This Christian leader attends the mourning of Imam Hussein (A.S.)



Father Elias Chacour , the archbishop in

Palestine with Grand Ayatollah Hosseini

Nassab in the Peace Conference



The Spritual Leader of Buddhism in Myanmar Dr. Ashin Nyanissara (founder and head of the International Buddhist Academies) with Grand Ayatollah Hosseini Nassab. Religious Dialogue. 



The Worldwide Leader of Sikhism and the

head of Golden Temple (Mr. Giani Gurbachan

Singh) with Grand Ayatollah Hosseini Nassab.


Lecture in International Seminar

Speech of Grand Ayatollah Hosseini Nassab

in International Religions Peace Seminar in

Seoul, Korea.


Interfaith Meetings

Meeting of Grand Ayatollah Hosseini Nassab

with supreme religious leader of Alavis in

Albania during the Peace Festival in Seoul.


Peace Award

Grand Ayatollah Hosseini Nassab received the

Peace Award from International peace Festival

(HWPL), Seoul,South Korea.


Shia Community in Toronto

Gathering of Shia Community in Toronto, with

officials of 12 Shia organizations and Muslim

Members of Parliament.


Eid Al-Fitr Celebration

Eid Al-Fitr Prayer in Toronto, Canada , led by

Grand Ayatollah Seyed Hosseini Nassab.


Imam Ali (A.S) Birthday Celebration

Imam Ali (A.S) Birthday Celebration-Toronto and

Ottawa, Canada with lectures of Grand Ayatollah

Hosseini Nassab and Mayor of Ottawa.


Milad Al-Nabi in Canada

Celebration for birthday aniversary of Prophet

Mohammad (P.B.U.H) and Imam Sadiq (A.S) in



Ashura night

Lecture of Grand Ayatollah Hosseini Nassab on

the occasion of Ashura night in front of more

than 3000 Shia Muslims in Toronto, Canada


The World Peace Confrance

Grand Ayatollh Hosseini Nassab at the World Peace Confrance in Seoul, representetives of United Nations and politicians from 130 countries attended.


Lecture at the World Peace Confrance

Lecture of Grand Ayatollh Hosseini Nassab at the World Peace Confrance in Seoul in front of 1000 Religious Leaders from 130 countries.



Visiting Religious Centres in Japan and China

Visiting Jami Mosque in Tokyo and Meiji and

Sensoji temples in Japan and Niujie Mosque in

Beijing, and Islamic Western Mosque in

Shanghai, China....


Ambassadors of Peace

Global leaders as the Peace Ambassadors

are giving messages to ask support for peace

to the global citizens. By Heavenly Culture,

World Peace, Restoration of Light.


Eidul Fitr Prayer

Eid Prayer with more than 3000 persons in

Toronto, Canada, led by Grand Ayatollah

Hosseini Nassab In Imam Mahdi and Wali-e-

Asr Islamic Centres .


Month of Ramadan in Canada

Night of Qadr in Imam Mahdi Islamic Centre,

Toronto, Canada. More than 1700 people



Imam Mahdi Birthday

Grand Ayatollah Hosseini Nassab gave

lecture in Islamic Community of Afghans in

Canada and Imam Mahdi Islamic Centre in

Toronto on this occasion. eQibla


Interview with PRI Radio

Interview of Ayatollah Hosseini Nassab with

PRI Radio. eQibla


Lecture in Ottawa

Imam Ali (a.s) birthday celebration in Ottawa,

Canada. Ayatollah Hosseini Nassab and

Mayor of Ottawa gave lecture.


Minister of Immigration in IMIC

Canada's Minister of Immigration visited Imam

Mahdi Islamic Centre in Toronto and met with

Grand Ayatollah Hosseini Nassab. eQibla


Lecture for International Youth Group

Sixth lecture of Ayatollah Hosseini Nassab for

international Peace Youth Group - World

Alliance of Religions' Peace.


Birthday celebration of H. Zaynab

Ayatollah Hosseini Nassab gave a lecture in

Toronto-Canada on the occasion of birthday

anniversary of H. Zaynab (s.a).


Fifth lecture for World Youth Group

Fifth lecture of Ayatollah Hosseini Nassab for

Youth Group of World Alliance of Religions'



Hussein Day in Toronto, Canada

Hussein (a.s) Day in Canada, with presence

of Ayatollah Hosseini Nassab and lectures of

different religious leaders about Imam

Hussein (P.B.U.H).


Ashura in Toronto, Canada

Ashura ceremony was held in Imam Mahdi

Islamic centre with more than 2000

attendees. Ayatollah Hosseini

Nassab gave lecture on this occasion.


Lecture in WARP

Due to an invitation from the World Alliance of

Religions’ Peace offices, Grand Ayatollah

Hosseini Nassab gave a lecture for their youth

organization through video conference.


Lecture in University of Waterloo

Ayatollah Hosseini Nassab gave lecture in the

University of Waterloo on the occasion of Eidul -

Ghadeer and Eidul Adha.


14th Eid Dinner

14th annual Eid Dinner was held by Islamic Shia

Assembly of Canada in Toronto.


Other Books



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© The office of Grand Ayatollah Seyed Reza Hosseini Nassab